Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments

 The past insured of the National Pension, the Employees' Pension or Mutual-Aid Association Pension may receive the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments, if the contributions are 6 months or longer.
 The application to this payments should be made within 2 years of your final leaving Japan.


4 conditions to be satisfied
 i   Persons who do not possess the Japanese nationality
 ii  Persons who have paid the pension contributions for 6 months or more.
 iii Persons who do not have a place of residence in Japan (only those who had a proper visa on or after November 9, 1994 and then left Japan).
 iv Persons who have never been qualified for receipt of pension benefits (including Disability Pension).

 Upon payments of Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments, the period of enrollment corresponding to the paid amount is nullified.
 In addition persons who have an enrollment period of pension in countries which have concluded agreements of aggregation of pension with Japan may receive Japanese as well as agreement partner countries'pension by summing up enrollment periods of pension on the specific requirements. However, if you receive the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments, please be noted that the period cannot be summed up.

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